Keith Brian Gallagher, PhD
Contact Information
Office: 323 Harris
Phone: +1 321 674 8395
Office Hours:
W 2:59 - 5:02 & F 2:58 - 5:02
Out of hours appointments accepted. Contact by email is best.
Drop-ins get 10 minutes. I have a timer.
If my office is propped ajar, knock. Wait for answer.
If my office door is closed, knock. Wait for answer.
If you knock and there is no answer:
Do not turn door handle to see if door is unlocked.
Do not poke your head in to see if I'm am there.
Do not come in.
Please remind who you are with your name and what course you are in, before you launch into your discussion point. I need the context.
Do not come to my office to ask me if I got your email!